

其实这个内容在 2020/21 赛季开始就已经有了,只不过没被太多人关注到而已…… 规则中叫做球员“保护性条款”(Protection Clause),在联赛和杯赛的资格赛、小组赛中适用(1),而在淘汰赛中不适用(2)。


(1) The following provisions apply in the Qualifying Rounds, First and Second Round (if applicable), Group Stages of the EFL Cup, FA Community Shield,FA Cup and CLUB CUP COMPETITIONS. a If an Player’s International or Club Team Participation may be restricted by his National Association,National Federation,Club或Club's League because of the date upon which he was registered for the Competition concerned 他应遵守国际足联和/或相关国家或地区联合会的相关规定 b Players who are under-18 on Registration day shall not play any part in the Competition if they have played more than seven competitive matches (i) during the current season(ii) between 6th October and 30th June preceding the start of that Season,or (iii) since their last registration in accordance with Article 39(a) above. c In relation to players whose international eligibility is currently restricted, clubs must inform FIFA whether their player has played competitive games. d For the purposes of this Protection Clause a match does not include: (i) Training; (ii) Matches in Tournaments or Competitions arranged solely for the benefit of Under-18 players; or (iii) Games in the Under——18 Comprehensives Tournament organised by a League or County F.A. e Clubs must keep a record of all Protected Players within their squads.This information should be provided to the Premier League and/or the EFL when requested.The League will notify relevant competitions as appropriate.

(2) Where there arises any question regarding the application of this Clause the matter shall be referred to The Board of Directors of The League where a determination shall be given as soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of such reference. Such decision shall be final and binding on both parties. Provided always however that no such reference shall affect the responsibility of the respective Associations and Bodies to comply with the relevant Regulations of FIFA and/or IFAB.




在球员的合同里,一般都会有“回避条款”(也有可能是别的名字)的规定,内容大概是当球员被国家队征召参加国际A级比赛时,俱乐部不能以任何理由拒绝,否则违约。 不过这个条款是有时间限制的:1966年世界杯期间,因为当时还没有现代职业联赛和转会制度,所以在决赛开打之前,各国球队都在准备本国联赛或足总杯的比赛;而在欧洲联盟杯半决赛阶段则允许俱乐部可以停发薪饷直到赛季结束。 但现在职业体育发展的比较快,很多国家队的比赛安排在冬歇期进行,这时候正好赶上联赛末期或者欧冠淘汰赛,所以有些俱乐部的球员就会以“避嫌”为由向管理层要求不参加国家队比赛(虽然我觉得他们可能根本没在想这些),当然管理层肯定要尊重球员的选择啊。

最后说一点我自己的想法:对于真正热爱竞技运动的人来说,荣誉是高于一切的。但像我们这种工作党来说,有假期的时候看球是最好的选择之一了,既然如此,为什么不让一个平时默默无闻的角色去获得他应得的荣耀呢?难道他的努力不比你多吗? 最后再说一句,如果中国国足真能在2050年进世界杯的话……那可是世界杯喔!那个时候大家可都是44岁了呀~想想就激动人心哇~
