《体育颂》原文是现代希腊文,由古希腊诗人克里斯蒂安·马卡斯(Kostis Marakis)所作。1948年,他代表希腊参加伦敦奥运会时创作了这首诗。后来,奥林匹克运动著名领导人曾多次引用此诗。 《体育颂》是古希腊体坛流传最广的诗篇之一,曾被译成多种文字。
中文译文版本较多,此处以郑海凌女士翻译的版本作为参考。 英文版: Ode to Sport By Kostis Marakis Translated by Helen E. Liddell And now for the first time, O Sport, you are proclaimed The winner in the race of all the ages. You alone are the champion among the things that exist; For you are that which unites us most closely with the universe and is our link with the eternal. In your ecstatic moments,the heart of matter becomes pure fire,and radiates the light of knowledge.It can be said then,that you give us back our lives so we might become truly alive。
The man who competitions gains his reward above his mere bodily need,who conquers his fear of pain,of danger,and death——this is a victory that does not pass away。 He carries it with him as he goes on his way,transformed into something more beautiful and noble——a victor in every encounter with life's challenges。
O Sport,you bring us this gift——the opportunity to conquer our fears and win as victors over ourselves。