

“2018年世界杯裁判报告:54场比赛中17张红牌的判罚有4张存在明显误判” 首先,在裁判报告中,这17次判罚中有两次是错判(误判和漏判的区别见附录)。另外三次漏判中包括一次对俄罗斯队有利的一次。

其次,阿根廷球员小蜘蛛的这次被吹罚的红牌是一个明显的误判! 在视频回放中可以看到,阿基洛博在解围时用手打到了球而非直接打向马拉维球员迪亚拉面部,且与后者的碰撞并不严重,因此这张犯规红牌是不合适的。

最后,本次世界杯一共使用了6名主裁和9名视频助理裁判,其中只有3位主裁判没有被误判影响过,而9个VAR小组中的1号人员没有出现过误判或漏判的情况。从这点来看,目前VAR系统还是有待进一步完善的。 下面是对这些误判/漏判的分析。

A组 1.克罗地亚VS尼日利亚-Cristiano Ronaldo v Danijel Subasic (2) VAR Review: Overturned for Handball by Goalkeeper on the Goal Kick Subasic's hand touched a bouncing ball that was controlled and cleared by Nigerian defenders before being handed back to Croatia players who had entered their own penalty area, so there were no outfields players present when it struck Ronaldo in an off-side position. This goal should not have stood. 由于门线技术的存在,这一球可以肯定不是手球。而且从回放视频中看,这一球是由防守方球员所控制的,所以尼日利亚球员并没有犯规的可能。

2.克罗地亚V Argentina-Mario Mandzukic foul outside the box (R) Cenk Unal(VAR): Overruled: Mandzukic fouled within the penalty area There are three issues with this VAR decision: Firstly, the referee didn’t check if the ball was played by Messi inside the penalty area which would be very difficult given both centre backs were running at him; Secondly, even if we assume he did see where the ball came from, his view of whether or not Mandzukic was penalised is obstructed by the linesman and thirdly, neither the referee nor assistant saw any part of Mandzukic’s challenge, only his shirt. 所以这个球还是应该判给阿根廷点球的。

B组 3.瑞典V South Africa-South African player handled in box (N) Oliver Kahn: Handshake Rejected – No Error Made 这个吹罚没有问题,不存在误判或者漏判的情况。

4.墨西哥V Poland-Poland free kick (L) Dirk Schmalenberg , Referee Assistant: Correct Decision The incident occurred between two players who weren’t competing directly for the ball, therefore it wasn't dangerous play as Polanski claims; Furthermore, despite the ball going over the top of the wall rather than hitting it directly, the wall doesn’t have special regulations governing its construction like goalkeepers do. So no offence has been committed here.

5.波兰V Senegal-Senegal penalty (R) Manuel Burgaller , Fourth Official: Correct Decision I think Senegalese fans should just stop whining now since they know what happened here: Puyol deliberately pun


C罗 1.209 伊布 1.183 本届世俱杯,曼联球迷最心疼的就是范加尔了! 从球员到教练都是这么拼命地踢球,怎么到了这个岁数还这样累啊…… 在他执教期间拿到的奖杯和成绩已经够多了,但是今年在足总杯决赛上输掉了,对于67岁的主教练来说也许是一个不小的打击吧。 C罗的这张红牌也是本届世界杯最大的一场红牌了吧(没有之一) 我看了一下他的那张,真的是从背后踹出去的一脚,这犯规也太凶狠了! 这下子估计要停赛三场左右,不知道会不会影响他和球队的夺冠进程呢? 希望他好好休息,健健康康吧
